EMYRAS is dedicated to helping our customers develop automation proficiency. Workshops are hands-on and taught by experienced Field Application and System Engineers. Custom workshops are available upon request.

Beginner and Advanced programming classes exist for a variety of subjects, including, Machine control, Machine vision, Robot Control, and Servo Tuning. Training is taught by factory certified instructors. Instructors that also have many years of real-world machine automation experience to ensure the training is relevant.



-Job assurance

-Cash reward

-Industrial Visits to corresponding sectors

-Work in LIVE projects

-Experience cum training certificate


Who can apply?

-Working employees who wants to update their core knowledge with advanced industrial technologies.

-Freshers who searchs for a bridge to connect theoretical college practise with industrial professional ethics.

-3rd or final year students who want to ditch traditional IT placements and pursue their passion for core.

If you are interested in registering for a workshop please contact us.